Salsa Classes in Göteborg

You can click on the Facebook event for more information or sign up right away on this page.

16 weeks from Monday, 26.08.2024

– 17.45 -18.45 Salsa Intermediate (16x1h: 2499kr). You can sign up here.

– 19.00-20.30: Salsa Advanced (16×1,5h: 3299kr). You can sign up here.  (WAIT LIST FOR FOLLOWERS: Please send me a message if you want to be put on the list!)

16 weeks from Tuesday, 27.08.2024

– 18.00-19.00 Salsa Improvers (16x1h: 2499kr). You can sign up here.

– 19.10-20.10 Salsa Beginners (16x1h: 2499kr). You can sign up here.

– 20.15-21.15 Solo Salsa & Body-Movement (16x1h: 2499kr). You can sign up here.

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me at or via social media (David Jascha on Facebook & david.jascha on Instagram).

Note: Sign-ups are non-refundable unless class is cancelled by the organizer.

Level Explanations / Guidelines :

These are only guidelines and you’re welcome to contact me directly if you’re in doubt!

I offer four levels of classes. The only level that follows a specific curriculum is the beginner course. The Improver, Intermediate and Advance classes are DIFFERENT every semester. That means you can basically repeat Improver, Intermediate or Advanced courses forever and never see the same move (or combination of moves) twice.

When you sign up yourself for a class, you’re making a statement about your skills. When you sign up for the advanced classes, for example, you’re saying: I already know everything that David would teach dancers in the first 2 years of practice, so I can skip all of that. When you sign up for improvers and have taken classes in another school, you’re suggesting that you have learned everything that I would teach you in 16 weeks.

Unless you’re a very fast learner (a trained dancer of other styles, for example), you shouldn’t go to the advanced level before you’ve taken at least 2,5 years of classes with me (or a teacher with equivalent levels).

Here are detailed explanations of the different levels:

Beginner: For you who is completely new to Salsa or has taken classes before and needs to start over with the basics. Also for you who has taken classes in another school for about 6-12 months. About 90% partner figures and 10% solo movement.

Improver: For you has completed my beginner course or is a quick learner who has completed a beginner course elsewhere. About 80% partner figures and 20% solo movement. Improver courses have different combinations/figures every semester, so you can easily repeat this class without getting bored.

Intermediate: For you who has danced with me for at least 1-2 years or 3+ years elsewhere. Double spins for followers. About 70% partner figures and 30% solo movement. Intermediate courses have different combinations/figures every semester, so you can easily repeat this class without getting bored.

Advanced: For you who has danced with me for at least 3 years (or 5+ years elsewhere). This is the highest level I teach. When you sign up for the advanced class, you should be very confident in your abilities as a dancer as there is no higher level. I’ll be teaching you movements that I am currently learning myself. Technical focus with double or triple spins for followers. Fast & complex Cuban Salsa music is played in class. Long combinations where not much time will be spend on explaining basic leading and following. About 50% partner figures and 50% solo movement. Advanced courses have different combinations/figures every semester, so you can easily repeat this class without getting bored.