How to Become a Better Follower in Salsa (And Be His Best Dance EVER)

There is a huge misconception in the salsa community about how to be a better follower. Some dancers think that great following is the result of great leading. They think leaders are the cause, and followers are the effect. Erase that from your mind. The leader takes responsiblity for the dance. But you share thatContinue reading “How to Become a Better Follower in Salsa (And Be His Best Dance EVER)”

11 Salsa-Leading-Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Being a Great Salsa Leader

Every night a woman is out social dancing, she will remember exactly one guy. She’ll think about him—briefly—on her way home.  “That was one of a kind,” she’ll say to herself, hoping that he will be around next time. Who is that man? Don’t you want to know how he did it? I know youContinue reading “11 Salsa-Leading-Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Being a Great Salsa Leader”