The Difference Between Salsa and Cuban Son

As a salsa student, you’ve probably heard the terms “salsa” and “son” used when referring to Cuban music. But what exactly is the difference between them? Well, to understand that, we must first look at their histories. Sons of Cuba Son is a traditional Cuban style of music that dates back to the 19th century.Continue reading “The Difference Between Salsa and Cuban Son”

There is More to Dancing Cuban Salsa Than Just Salsa

When I first started learning salsa, I had no idea that it was just the tip of the iceberg. As I began to explore more and more of the Cuban culture, I discovered a rich tradition that has been passed down through generations. From folklore dancing and traditional dances to orishas and Bailes populares, thereContinue reading “There is More to Dancing Cuban Salsa Than Just Salsa”

How to Learn to Dance Salsa Fast

It’s possible to learn salsa fast with the right approach. By understanding salsa basics such as rhythm, timing and basic steps you can start to gain a better appreciation for salsa dancing. You should also take time to practice regularly and find an experienced salsa instructor that will help guide you through the fundamentals. LearningContinue reading “How to Learn to Dance Salsa Fast”

How to Pick the Right Salsa School When You Want to Learn Salsa

Once you’ve narrowed in on a few potential dance schools for salsa dancing, it’s always a good idea to pay them a visit. Seeing the atmosphere and talking with teachers first-hand can help you decide if this studio is the right fit for you. Visit during class times and observe the students as they learnContinue reading “How to Pick the Right Salsa School When You Want to Learn Salsa”

“They Stared at Me When I Appeared in the Neighborhood, But When I Began to Dance…”

I’m about to share with you one of my craziest experiences from my time in Havana! (Read on to find out how this relates to your Salsa-learning journey.) I actually just want to take to the bus to go out dancing… But, you know, it’s Cuba: Sometimes you end up waiting for it for twoContinue reading ““They Stared at Me When I Appeared in the Neighborhood, But When I Began to Dance…””