Private Lessons

“Learn Salsa 10x Faster & Avoid Having to ‘Unlearn’ Your Bad Dance-Habits Later”

(Available online or face-to-face in Sweden)

“In addition to the fact that David is an exceptional dancer, his great strength is his perceptual ability, which means that he can bring out the best in you as a dancer regardless of level. With peace and security, David creates a safe zone that in combination with his good pedagogy provides space for challenges and great dancing joy.” – Nicole R.

The fastest way to learn Salsa is to take private lessons.

Expert dancers even go as far as to say that one single private-lesson is “worth” 5-10 group-lessons.


In this dark-room in Havana, I took over 200+ private-lessons when I was learning Salsa.

What is it That Makes Private Lessons so Special?

  • The difference between learning in a group and one-on-one with a teacher is the amount of direct feedback and attention you get.
  • In a safe environment, we will identify and address the blocks that keep you from being the best dancer you can be!
  • You will receive tactful and constructive feedback while maintaining a steady flow of dance.
  • Many students report having had “AHA-moments” during one-on-one sessions, they have insights on how to move better.

If you are motivated to learn salsa, there is no better way for you to get better than to work with a teacher directly.

Do Online Private Lessons Work?

Maybe you worry that you need be in the same room as your salsa teacher to learn…

I admit it’s slightly easier to copy when you have the person next to you. 

But when we have a proper video setup, it works like a charm. You will get personalized feedback and tailored explanations for YOUR sticking-points.

An old salsa buddy recently send me a 2-minute dance video of himself and asked for my feedback.

Here is what he said about my response: “Oh man, David these are sick observations and tips …You summarized everything beautifully, all the things that I suspected to be wrong in my dancing…”

A visual is all I need to help you improve your salsa moves! 



1 Hour: 600SEK (ca. 60 EUR/USD)

5 Hours: 2750SEK (550SEK per hour)

10 Hours: 5000SEK (500SEK per hour)

Are you ready to book your first private lesson?

Contact me directly on FacebookInstagram or via mail: david[at]


What Salsa-Students Say